About Falencia

Port-Au-Prince, Haiti to Boston, MA

Falencia Jean-Francois was born in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. She moved to the United States with her family when she was three years old. She spent her formative years bouncing around between different suburbs of the Greater Boston Area. When she was seventeen years old, she left Boston to attend college in Provo, UT. 

Provo, UT

While Falencia can't speak too highly about her social, educational, and spiritual experiences while attending Brigham Young University, she will always be grateful for its existence because it is where she met the love of her life, Sandra. Having met at a lecture and gone quickly from being "just friends" to a whole lot more than, Falencia and Sandra are proud to be paragons of classic literary romance tropes. They married in February of 2010. They now live in Pittsburgh with their two wonderful cats, Rory and Sidney, and their very spoiled Chihuahua, Loki.

Pittsburgh, PA

The business of building a life when you are closer in steps to the cradle than adulthood is tricky and time consuming. With no money and only each other as support for a long time, Falencia and Sandra both completed their respective educations. Now, they live a comfortable life in Pittsburgh. The sacrifices they made early in their marriage have paid off as Falencia is now able to pursue her true passion, writing.

Pittsburgh, PA (still)

Falencia has wanted to be a writer since she was twelve years old and wrote her very first story, an author insertion NSYNC fanfiction, in the spiral bound notebook with the maroon cover that someone had gifted to her. Thoroughly convinced she was terrible at writing, Falencia only published her works of fan fiction and, even then, only behind elaborate usernames that could never be traced back to her. It was not until July of 2022 that she finally gained the courage to publish some of her original fiction. Since then, Falencia has self-published two novellas and is anxiously anticipating the release of her debut novel, Devil of the Deep.  Falencia does not know where life will take her next, but she knows writing will always be a part of it.